If you don’t want to sell your items but need money, consider a pawn loan. We give you a loan with your items as collateral. You have 4 months to pay off the loan and receive your items back from us or just pay the interest and renew the loan for another 4 months. Don’t worry about obtaining a loan with poor credit. Your item is your collateral and a short-term loan with us will not negatively affect your credit if you miss your deadline.
Get the most for your money by purchasing merchandise for a portion of the cost. Gently used designer bags, numismatic coins, fine jewelry, tools, and musical instruments are always cycling through our shop. Don’t miss your favorite wish list product at an affordable price come in today!
Our friendly and knowledgeable experts can assess the value of your currency, designer brands, and jewelry free and without pressure to sell. We have a GIA certified diamond appraiser for authentic and accurate valuation. Get cash today for unwanted and broken gold, silver, and platinum pieces.
Ring resizing – we can usually complete the same day, often within an hour
Replace prongs to secure a diamond or color stone
Watch repair